Hey Guys! As I could not get internet in the airport waiting for my plane, I wrote this little thing about the weekend, it's not like a full recap, but it's there. Enjoy!
Here I sit about to embark on the worse sugar high of my life. Why is it that the only place that offers a respectable breakfast at 5:30 est, is dunkin donuts? Like seriously, after dunking donuts, I walked by auntie aunts, and mrs fields, than a place that offered questionable food. So, here I sit eating my two donuts, wallowing in myself. And cringing at the time on my computer as I never took it off PST (2:54am!). Last night, sleep was just not. I was finally starting to get tired about 11:30pm EST, but when I stopped talking online and went to go to bed, my brain went on overload. I had met Katee Sackhoff, like in the flesh. I kept overanalyzing what I did, what I said, what everything! (I just turned my iTunes to Black Market, this could go down hill from here) So, yea, back to not being able to sleep because of Katee. She does this to me too much, I need sleep! But in a little recaplet of the day, (as I am sure a full one will come later with the help of Swim), emotions were high, it was such a mix of feelings. I was happy, sad, concerned, estatic, overjoyed, and a whole lot of other emotions. I got to meet a fellow spanker, and Katee! It quite the little trip. A weekend trip to Philadelphia, returning with bagels to schmooze by bosses, for the fact that they allowed me to come in to work at noon (yes, I am walking off the flight than going to work, I am such as ass), than when I go into request more days off in August, this should be fun. But I mean I have the days, I don't know why I feel bad, I just do. I mean, why can't I take time to do things I enjoy? Just because my whole department are workholics, doesn't mean I have to be, it just makes me feel horrible. So back to why I a schmoozing by bosses, besides the ones stated above, I also look like hell, probably smell like beer, and forgot to have people cover like half my work for this Morning. So, I have so major ass kissing to do. So, I diverge again, back to not sleeping, I tossed and turned for a while, recalling every single second of the day, and attempting to think of ways to in improve upon this. Yes, it was my finest hour, I was standing in the convention center, in a white sun dress, and heels. While people walked to next to me in Space Trooper costumes. I swear, I had a guy in like this weird roman costume try and look up my skirt, because he was all "in character" and like slid up next to me on his knees. I quickly moved, scared out of my mind of this guy. Than as the day went on, we saw superman, spiderman, princess leia (in the gold bikini nonetheless), a whole lot of things from star wars that I didn't know, a shiny man, etc. And swarms of others in homemade costumes such as BSG flight suits, BSG tanks and cargos, darth maul face paintings, etc. It was quite interesting. So after meeting Katee, it was too much, so we went for some group therapy. Yes, the beer garden is where we went to drink ourselves to confidence. We actually meet a guy, who was there into BSG, but not even going to the Con. (He did comment that my hair he noticed, before I said anything, that it look like Starbuck Season 3 hair...yes! Mission accomplished!, this is def a highlight for me) After awhile we decided to go back to the con to see Katee off. Well, she wasn't there, and was able to get through that whole line in no time! So, we lurked on the side, just lurking. Not close of course, because we respect Katee too much. We wanted to say bye, and one last picture, but she truly looked like she was in a hurry, and we didn't want to bother her, so we watched from afar, as good little fans. Than she was whisked off to plane to go somewhere probably faboulos, which shoots all hope I had of Katee being on my flight back from Los Angeles. But I can't have my cake and eat it too. Just like that, she was gone, I quickly started plotting my next move. When would they release the guest list for Comic Con? Is Dragon*Con possible? Gods, where I am going to get the money?? But I think it will be all worth it, no matter what I do, as BSG is almost over, and Katee is no longer doing Cons (after some upcoming ones), so it's not like I would be broke forever to keep going. It would only be for like another, not even, a year. So I think I could handle that, mentally. I'll be rubbing two pennies together for awhile, if I do. I had an ex boyfriend who's motto was "Live life before it lives you" I think that's a very good motto to go by. Hey, if anything i'll have good stories, for my kids (well, maybe nieces). I mean, I can't sit on my ass never taking trips, or experiencing anything because of work or money. I know I have to write myself an interesting story in life. And I am not going to be able to do it, sitting on my ass, doing nothing.
So, all in all, my first memory of a convention was a positive one. Which makes me happy to no end. It was an amazing time. Actually ran into a family friend at the Beer Garden! She was attending the con, as well. Not for Katee, but for the actual con (how novel!). So, it was great to see her, I feel bad in my half drunken state and my Katee high, I forgot to say by to her. I will be writing her a nice long e-mail of "I am sorry!! I was caught up in the moment".
So, I find myself at a hault, of what to say. So I think I am all wrapped up, and I am sure I will be collobrate with Swim on a wonderful detail (including pictures).
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