Friday, April 18, 2008

New Stuff

POSTED BY: MaxiSpank
Here are some more updates to the site, shock horror.
  • 3ripleSpank (TripleSpank) has just added some< a href=""> BSG Season 4 Starbuck Picspam.
  • In case you missed it, Fats (FatApolloLoveSpank) added her 2nd installment of the BSG Season 4 Collarbone companion series a few days ago - "The Struggle For Freedom". There should be another one on the way in a couple of days. Tell ya what, we are going to be in deep shit if there is no apparent collarbone in this episode. Fats is already very fragile as a result of the Malicious Collarbone Obstruction that pervaded the last two Eps, and I think its gonna get pretty damn ugly if there is total Collarbone Block in this one as well.
Note to Katee Sackhoff: could you please, please have a heart and maybe randomly expose your collarbone at least once per episode until the show winds up? Cause honestly if you don't, then we are going to have to section Fats pretty soon. Do you really want that on your conscience? (That's a pretty dumb question hey - I mean this is the chick who cruelly inflicted "The Last Sentinel" on her poor unsuspecting fans. She is obviously some kind of fan sadist).
  • DJ (LittleSpank) has added an article entitled "The Secret Language of Awesome" regarding Katee Sackhoff's golden interview technique. DJ is currently preparing an extensive list of Katee's more memorable interview quotes. I believe she has 7 pages worth so far - there is just no end to it.
  • I'm actually planning on adding some soundbite/audio samples from interviews - stuff like "can I touch it?" and "I guess you now know my technique" but that would probably mean Katee's publicist would have to hunt me down and eat my first born. That should be ok though - I don't have any kids.
  • DJ also has a couple of articles entitled "There goes Kara Thrace - walking through the back of the screen" that look at some of the episodes where Starbuck is grossly underused. (Anything less than 95% of screen time is completely unacceptable of course).
Oh there is some actual news - Katee Sackhoff will be apparently attending the Wizard World Philadelphia con from May 30 - June 1. I bet they're paying her a shitload. Unfortunately this news isn't much good to Spankers, who all still believe that 'con' refers to a criminal activity. Not to worry - Katee 'll probably cancel in any case.
No Spanker has ever actually attended a con, but there's always a first time for everything. Is Philadelphia near New York, because if so, Katee's collarbone might be in serious peril. Fats may well make a run at her and try to lick it. Keep that sucker under lock and key Katee.

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