Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The (not so) Epic Countdown to Riddick: Reason #9


It's not something that can be explained and no one should ever try to explain it, but all of us at TeamSpank really like when Katee Sackhoff gets sweaty. Maybe we shouldn't be proud of this, nor should we probably be advertising it, but it is what it is. Katee always looks incredible, but something about the way her sweat makes her skin glisten is just, well, it's perfection. Again, we try not to overthink this one; we just let it be.

Anyway, we are pretty confident that this film will provide many opportunity's for Katee's character to get sweaty. Knowing TeamSpank, we'll probably devote another blog post to this subject once the movie has been released and we're able to screencap all the sweat-scenes. So, you have that to look forward to!

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