Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Katee at Comic Con 2009 - 24 Panel Transcripts

POSTED BY:  SnowflakeSpank 
Disclaimer: I did not go to Comic Con, this is all from videos found around the web. I only transcribed the Katee stuff, because as far as I'm concerned, she was the only celebrity in the room!

Thanks: So much thanks to all those who went and captured this goodness for us losers sitting at home... because really who is the bigger loser: the person attending a "Con" or the person sitting at his/her computer searching for video from the "Con" as soon as they could possibly be uploaded? Yep. Thats right. We pretend to be too cool to go, but we are easily just as lame!
Katee Moment ONE: The moderator has begun talking to the new cast members of the show and has just finished a question with Freddie Prince Junior about being a big fan of 24 and the character he will be playing this season.

Moderator: "There's a familiar face right next to Freddie. A lot of fans [completely drowned out by cheers] Thank you, grateful to see Miss Katee Sackhoff back on television and so Katee tell us again how you came to this show again a little sneak on who you'll be portraying."

Katee: "Um, well I think that- that I found out that there was a role and I kinda called my-it's a long story but I basically called my manager and was like get me on 24. So through a long process I finally ended up on - on the show but um, I play Dana [pause] Walsh. Sorry I had to make sure I got the last name right, its changed a couple times. Almost called her something else. I play Starbuck [laughs] (crowd goes wild) Um I play a character named Dana Walsh, who is engaged to Cole (motions to Freddie Prince Jr. who pumps his fist causing Katee and crowd to laugh) Um, and she is a um data analyst at CTU, and um, thats all I can tell you. I don't want to give too much away! All I can say is that I sat down in the writer room with Howard and everybody and I said- and I read the scripts and was like this is fantastic, at some point I need a gun. Oh boy. Because I'm starting to feel really naked. So I'm like, this computer stuff is great and everything and I love saying all the big complicated words (not really) um but um, I need a gun. And two, preferably. " (crowd cheers, Freddie Prince Jr. leans over to whisper something to her that makes her laugh)

Katee Moment TWO: Mary Lynn Rajskub is answering the moderator's question about the different aspect of her character that was seen last season with her becoming a mom and how her character will be different this season.

Katee smiles and waves in response to Mary Lynn Rajskub's reference to her character being Chloe's boss.

(this is, in my opinion, the only good part of this answer)
Katee Moment THREE: Questions from the audience

Audience member: "This question is for Katee. You were involved in your previous show from the beginning. How has it been for coming into this show that's been around for 7 years?"

Katee: "Um, Its been interesting. It- the show - everyone is welcoming me with open arms. I think - I said the other day I couldn't have left - or found an experience that was so much like Battlestar Galactica in- in the sense that everyone is a family, the hours are kinda similar, um and I really really enjoy working with everyone and everyone enjoys working with each other so its just a very seamless transition for me to come into, so its - its been really nice. So."

Katee Moment FOUR: Questions from the audience

Audience Member: "Hi Katee (Katee waves excitedly) After playing Starbuck for the past 5 years and really owning that role, (crowd yelps and hollers) rebellious tomboy [unheard] and yet being very feminine in real life, how are you going to bring that all together in this role?"

Katee: "um its - its - starbuck was so much fun and she was so strong and it was kind of like therapy to get to go to work and beat people up and ya know... it really was, I kind of miss beating people up because this character is not that. So um its, its I think that every character on television has a little bit of yourself because I think its just easier to go to work and play this character if its just a side of yourself so this is just kind of the sweeter side of myself, ya know. For a while. I can't give too much away. Like, I'm trying not to say too much. I don't - seriously, I might get fired, I have no job security whatsoever. On 24 you have no job security, I could get my head cut off and put in a duffle bag for evidence."

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Twilight Turmoil - The Spanker Civil War - Sackhoff Implored to Mediate

POSTED BY:  bellaspank 
This article is a cry out for help to our Team Leader. TeamSpank is in total disarray. The Spankers are distraught. Never in it's entire long and colorful history has TeamSPank seen such conflict. Such tension. Such hate. We are at a crossroads and this is all because of Twilight (which Katee Sackhoff adores). It has split our beloved Team right down the middle and it's frankly getting ugly. We need some guidance - some intervention - before our whole world of SPanking turns completely to shit. Our Team Leader is something of an expert on this issue and so we're sure she'll know what to do. TeamSpank can survive without BSG, without Lost & Found, without The Last Sentinel even, but I don't think we're going to be able to survive this.
Katee - helpppppppppp!
Things have gotten so out of hand that some Spankers are trying to 'psych out' their fellow Spankers with emotional warfare. For example, founding spanker FatApolloLoveSpank, has taken to shoving the following picture down her oppositions' throats in an all out assault on her Twilight foes.
Pure evil. And pretty damn funny. Some spankers have taken to tricking others into watching YouTube vids of Twilight scenes by renaming the link "Katee Sackhoff Lost & Found Promo". That's just fucking low.
Yes the Spankers are divided. On one side we've got the "Twilight Lovers" and on the other side we've got the "Twilight Haters". Then we've also got this fence-sitting in between group - the "Twilight Couldn't Give A Shitters".
Some Spankers really seem to HATE Twilight. So much so that the TeamSpank Executive Council have had to impose some special measures at the TeamSpank Treehouse. They have set the word censor to work, preventing some of the more contentious, shit-stirring words being used by belligerent Spankers. Here are a couple of examples:

  • The word "Twilight" now becomes - "Twilight (which Katee Sackhoff adores)".
    Let's call a spade a spade. Katee Sackhoff does adore Twilight and the "haters" need that fact shoved down their throats as often as possible.

  • The word "hate" now becomes - "love with the fire of a thousand suns".
    We don't 'hate' at TeamSpank, so those hostile outbursts have got to stop. (Blame/thank SwimSpank for this one).
see below for some examples of usage
    Make no mistake - Katee Sackhoff is a Twilight Lover. There is no debate about this. Spankers have personally, with their own eyes, live and in living color, seen our Team Leader wear a Twilight T-Shirt. You don't wear a T-Shirt and force your boyfriend to watch the movie under sufferance if you are a "Hater" or a "Couldn't Give A Shitter". The very fact that this woman bothers to launder clothing that is ablaze with a Twilight logo shows TRUE commitment.
    Evidence (as doctored by DJspanker)
    Even though my namesake is a protagonist in the story, I would still fall into the "Twilight Couldn't Give A Shitter" group - I haven't seen a frame of the movie or read a page of the book series and I don't understand what all the fuss is about, (although I must say the lead boy and girl seem fairly enticing). Having said that, I am predisposed to favoring the 'Twilight Lovers', purely because it's fun getting a rise out of the people who seem to love with the fire of a thousand suns it so much. But whichever way Spankers swing on this issue, we need to resolve the conflict now. Stop the insanity! Can't we all just try to get along?
    Katee Sackhoff - what on earth are we going to do? Help!!!!
    A sample of Twilight word censor usage, courtesy of Stylo Spanker. This is what he typed:
    And as twilight approaches through the window behind my desk,....I realise that I did not get to eat today and only drank half of the coke on my desk. But a half a coke by twilight is better than no coke at all and soon my twilight snacks will be just smashing.
    The censor changed it to this:
    And as Twilight (which Katee Sackhoff adores) approaches through the window behind my desk,....I realise that I did not get to eat today and only drank half of the coke on my desk. But a half a coke by Twilight (which Katee Sackhoff adores) is better than no coke at all and soon my Twilight (which Katee Sackhoff adores) snacks will be just smashing.
    If anyone quotes or repeats Stylo, then the truly sublime Twilight Infinite Loop Anomaly kicks in and you get this:
    And as Twilight (which Katee Sackhoff adores)(which Katee Sackhoff adores) approaches through the window behind my desk,....I realise that I did not get to eat today and only drank half of the coke on my desk. But a half a coke by Twilight (which Katee Sackhoff adores)(which Katee Sackhoff adores) is better than no coke at all and soon my Twilight (which Katee Sackhoff adores)(which Katee Sackhoff adores) snacks will be just smashing.
    Yes the Twilight word censor is a thing of rare beauty. It mightn't be doing much to help end the Civil War Crisis, but it's certainly fun knowing that everytime the "haters" see it, they die just a little bit more on the inside.

    De l'influence de TeamSPank sur les fans de Katee...

    POSTED BY:  Sarah (aka RiriSpank)
    Comme Maxi m'y a invitée plusieurs fois, il est grand temps que je poste un article en Français sur TeamSpank... Après tout, c'est un site international, censé réunir tous les fans de Katee, donc il est bien normal que la webmiss de la seule source francophone (Dossier Katee Sackhoff) ajoute son grain de sel. Et c'est justement après une mise à jour de mon site que je suis amenée à me pencher sur une question de la plus cruciale importance : dans quelle mesure TeamSpank déteint-elle sur les fans de Katee - vous et moi, donc ? (je dis "elle", pour TeamSpank, par rapport au mot "Team" qui, en français, signifie "équipe")

    Dossier Katee Sackhoff

    Autrefois d'une innocence sans égale et en plus pure admiration devant notre TeamLeader - autrement dit Katee Sackhoff - je surprends les news de mon site à adopter un ton de plus en plus sarcastique vis-à-vis de Ms Sackhoff. Jugez en par vous-mêmes :

    C'est officiel, nous pouvons à présent affirmer avec certitude que Katee sait taper à l'ordinateur ! Mieux que ça, elle sait changer son statut sur Facebook...

    Depuis quand est-ce que je me permets de supposer ainsi que Katee ne sait pas se servir d'un ordinateur ? Qui m'a donné des ailes pour me montrer aussi ironique ? Où ai-je trouvé le courage et l'inspiration pour pondre de pareilles horreurs ?

    La réponse est très simple : TeamSPank !
    D'ailleurs, pour bien comprendre le but et l'origine de ce groupe, force est de remonter à la signification même du nom de cette équipe. "Spank" signifie "donner une fessée"... Honnêtement, pour un site de fans, c'est un peu bizarre de prendre un nom aussi insolent. Sans compter qu'ils l'ont volé sans scrupule au frangin de Katee, Erick.
    Alors, quel est exactement l'objectif de ce site ? Donner une fessée à Katee ?

    Virtuellement, sans aucun doute, car quand on lit les messages des membres de l'équipe postés sur le forum ou sur le blog, on réalise deux choses : la première, c'est qu'ils ont un âge mental moyen de 7 ans (et encore, je suis généreuse), et la deuxième, c'est qu'ils n'ont absolument pas peur des conséquences des mots qu'ils écrivent. En un sens, tant mieux : on s'amuse beaucoup, et on ne se prend pas du tout au sérieux. Mais vraiment, est-ce bien raisonnable, alors que nous savons pertinemment que Katee sait lire - même si elle ne se balade pas en permanence sur les sites qui lui sont consacrés -, et que sa môman a déjà posté sur le forum de scifi.com (ce qui veut dire qu'elle aussi sait lire, wow).

    Tout cela pour dire que si Katee prête trop attention à ce qui est posté sur ce blog et le forum qui lui est attaché, elle va finir par se demander ce qu'elle a fait pour mériter tant de fessées - parce que croyez-moi, elle s'en prend plein la figure, si l'on regarde de près. Et je ne mentionnerai même pas les différents messages descendant en flèche le malheureux film "The Last Sentinel" - dont j'avais d'ailleurs écrit une critique inoubliable sur feu mon blog.

    Et là est certainement mon erreur : passer trop de temps à lire les messages - hilarants, j'en conviens - émanant directement de l'esprit tordus des SPanks - dont je fais partie bien sûr. De fait, leur ton s'est immiscé dans ma petite tête et ressort à présent en direct par mes doigts - toujours aux dépens de notre pauvre Katee.

    Pour finir, une question s'impose : le dicton très célèbre "qui aime bien châtie bien" peut-il s'appliquer ici ? Allez, disons que oui... parce que de toute façon, on s'amuse tellement que ce serait dommage d'arrêter :p Noooon, pas tirer, Katee !


    The influence of TeamSPank on Katee's fans...

    As Maxi invited me several times to post something in French on the Spank Blog (cause yes, Maxi, you did ;-)), it's high time I wrote an article... After all, this is an international site, that is supposed to gather all Katee fans, so it's only normal the webmiss of the only French resource (Dossier Katee Sackhoff) should put in her two cents. Actually, it's right after I posted an update on my site that I felt the need to deal with a highly topical question : what influence does TeamSPank have on Katee fans - you and me ?

    I used to be an innocent lamb and in such an awe of our TeamLeader - aka Katee Sackhoff -, but I've noticed that the articles on my site tend to take on a more and more sarcastic tone towards Ms Sackhoff. Judge for yourself :

    It's official, we can now assert without a doubt that Katee can type on a computer ! Even better, she knows how to update her status on Facebook...

    Since when do I take the liberty of assuming Katee can't use a computer ? Who made me feel exhilarated enough to become so ironic ? Where did I find the courage and the inspiration to write such horrifying stuff ?

    The answer is quite simple : TeamSPank !

    *In this paragraph, I explain what SPank means in French so I won't translate that part... it would seem ridiculous* But seriously, it's kinda weird for a fansite to choose such an insolent name. Not to mention they stole it with no qualms from Katee's brother, Erick.

    So what is exactly this site's objective ? Spanking Katee ? Virtually of course, because when you read the messages the SPankers write both on the forum and on the blog, you realize two things : first, they have the mental age of a 7 year old (and I'm generous), and secondly, they are not at all concerned with the consequences their words might have. It's a good thing, in a way : we have a lot of fun and really don't take ourselves seriously. But honestly, is it reasonable, although we do know Katee can read - even if she doesn't visit the sites dedicated to her everyday -, and her mom has alledgedly posted a few messages on the scifi.com boards (which means she can read too, wow).

    *This paragraph is intended for a French audience that doesn't understand what's written by TeamSPank, so it's kind of useless in English* : Anyway, if Katee does indeed read what's posted on this blog and the forum, she might ask herself what she did to deserve so much spanking - because, believe me, she takes a lot of slaps in the face, if you look closely. And I won't even mention all the messages regarding the poor "Last Sentinel" movie - that I had written a unforgettable critic about on my blog.

    And that's probably my mistake : spending too much time reading the - hilarious, I agree - messages coming straight from the SPanks' twisted minds - I'm one of them, of course. Therefore, the tone they use made its way into my little head and now comes out through my fingers - still at the expense of poor Katee.

    So a question remains : does the famous proverb "Qui bene amat bene castigat" (latin for : Who loves well castigates well) apply here ? Okay, let's say it does... because anyway, we have so much fun that it would be a shame to stop now :p nooo, don't shoot me, Katee !