Oh yeah, we totally got along on set. I really have no idea what happened because as far as I know her scenes were with Kris and Rob, but I did hear about ‘the incident.’ Kris’s memory is not so fresh on it, but Rob’s is…was. You know what I mean.”-Nikki Reed
“What now?”- Kristen Stewart
“She just called me, she said ‘T-bird, I need you to pick me up from the set…NOW’…she seemed stressed out, so I wasn’t going to press the issue. We didn’t have the chance to talk about it then, and I’m not really sure how she would feel about me talking about it here, with you.”-Tricia Helfer
“yeah, she took ALL of them. The entire BAG!” -Joseph McNulty (Head of Props)
In the second installment of “The Sackhoff and The Twilight Saga Saga” I will attempt to truthfully and realistically reveal to you, the reader, the series of events that changed the entire Twilight movie, by exploring how Katee Sackhoff was almost in the Twilight movie, but for reasons still very unclear to me (anyone) she left the set and was cut from the movie.
The Sackhoff and Her Love For Sparkle Dots: Her Scenes Unveiled
The quotes used to ease you into this article where all taken completely out of context and poached from various interviews. (Seeing as how I am no longer allowed within 500 yards of most of the people in Katee Sackhoff's life or any of the top billed characters in The Twilight Saga, it took some sleek detective work on my part to get the exclusive interviews used for this article.) With that being said, let us explore the truthful merit of the previously mentioned quotes, and how they pertain to possibly the greatest thing…ever. Katee Sackhoff almost having a role in The Twilight Saga: Twilight.
Catherine Hardwicke was a huge fan of Battlestar Galactica, so it only seemed natural that she would attempt to acquire The Sackhoff for a role in her new movie. Unfortunatly, there was not a role in Twilight written for The Sackhoff, so Hardwicke was going to have to take creative control over the situation and MAKE a role for Katee.
In working out a role for The Sackhoff, Katee was brought to the set of the movie to hang out for a few days while the creative team behindThe Twilight Saga: Twilight could figure out her role and how to best work her into the movie, while keeping the “integrity” of the original story close to original canon. (It is rumored that even some of Katee's friends, Jamie Bamber most notably, was very much against Katee doing anything to "mess" with his favorite character in the story, Bella.)
Katee Sackhoff, a self proclaimed fan of Twilight, asked if she could sit in on the filming of some of the key scenes in the book. Hardwicke obliged, and Katee was then allowed to be on set during the filming of several important scenes, all she had to do was sign a confidentially agreement and she could freely sit on set and hang out while they filmed. The scene in which Edward reveals to Bella that he has “the skin of a killer” was the first point that Katee was allowed on set during filming.
Nikki Reed, who was also hanging around the set waiting to shoot her scenes, met up with Katee. They sat in on the filming of that scene, and according to Nikki, Katee started talking to one of the prop guys, "Something about them both being from St. Helens...I don't know", Nikki Reed would later confirm.
There is one account, according to Nikki, that Katee hid in the meadow scene during the shoot and went un-noticed by Hardwicke or any other members of the crew. I could not, in all my investigation find anything that supported Ms. Reed’s claim. I did, however, come across this extremely rare frame. It is rumored that this frame did make it into the theatrical version, but that by the time the movie was on DVD it had been cut out completely.

That supposed "incident" did not get Katee kicked off the set, but there was speculation that a bag of "sparkle dots" went missing. To those of you that do not have an RSS feed of New Moon set pictures, I should probably explain the "sparkle dot" phenomena.

If you can, look closely at Robert’s skin, you will see they are covered in tiny little dots. It is speculated by the Twilight fandom that these dots are meant for CGI purposes to make the vampires have "the skin of a killer." In order for the Post production crew to make this happen, they need what are known as “sparkle dots” Obviously, they come in baggies. After the “supposed” "incident" in the meadow with Ms. Sackhoff, a bag of sparkle dots went missing, and sparkle dots....started showing up in odd places.
Sparkle Dot Incident #1: Katee has a Salmon Burger with Billy Burke, the guy playing Bella’s dad. They bond over mustaches. They talk about how Boy friend Scott and Charlie both have them. They eat salmon burgers. They enjoy the Salmon burgers...a lot.
Within the hour, he was shooting a scene. I present to you, exhibit A:

Katee was spotted walking out of the room where they keep the majority of the props for the Twilight movie. The following scenes where later uncovered:

Katee eventually left the Twilight set, but in my investigation of this topic, a few other pictures surfaced:

It is still a mystery whether or not she left the set on her own accord, or she was asked to leave, or if there was a contract issue, consideringBattlestar Galactica was still filming at that point. Was it the sparkle dot incident that did it? or was it her showing up in almost every significant scene? I guess, based on this evidence I presented, it may have been a little of both.
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