Its election day and Walt's campaign rally is full of dancing and fun and Vic out of uniform again. Its a little country for Vic: "that block of ice is charming but its not a very efficient way to make a drink."
Walt dances with a voter. Ferg dances impressively well with Cady. Ferg likes Cady!

Cady is shuttling people from the Reservation who don't have cars to their polling places to vote. Vic gets called to a car accident and finds Cady in the grass with her eyes open but she is unresponsive and bloody. She looks dead.

Cady is in the ICU and Ferg flips out over finding the person that hit her. Vic has to reign him in before he blows the case or gets himself hurt. Vic blames herself when her investigation runs out of leads. Henry blames himself for not driving a drunk home himself since the guy the drunk called to pick him up turned out to be the one that hit Cady. Walt blames himself for being happy instead of protecting Cady.
Walt decides he has to atone for the sins of Denver with an old Cheyenne ritual. He tethers himself to a pole with hooks through his skin in the night. YIKES!
Oh, and he won the Sheriff's election, but no one really cares about that right now.
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