Episode 1
Walt has scars on his back and his answering machine still has his dead wife’s voice on it. Vic cusses twice in the first 2 minutes. She’s a smartass and tells Walt that he is wasting her time because back in Philadelphia she was a homicide detective.The Ferg finds pants near the crime scene. Vic tells a bunch of guys to “Take off your pants” and makes other pant related comments
Episode 2
Vic starts another episode with a curse in her first sentence. Vic brings Walt coffee when he is sleeping in his car and announces “room service!” upon waking him abruptly.
Walt also talks to a dieing horse and a countrified version of Hallelujah plays in the background. It is sad.
Episode 3
Walt grills his daughter about her mysterious new boyfriend. Vic doesn’t start the show cussing – this is new. Vic does the math on a stripper’s paycheck and gets very envious. She also does a pole dance/strip tease and tells Branch to “Pay up, bitch”

Some ditzy blond chick faints in Walt’s arms and then flirts with him.

Vic tells Walt the faint was a “classic first move” and that he should ask her out but she also seems either jealous or protective. Walt tells Vic “You think the whole world is flirting. You ever think it’s just you?” which leans toward jealous but I vote for protective because jealous seems a little gross.
Traffic stops while a dog crosses the street.
Episode 5
Vic & Walt’s daughter Caty get into a bit of a pissing match and mock each other’s personalities and backgrounds. Other stuff happened.
Episode 6
Ferg ralphs at a crime scene & Vic sleeps in the holding cell at the Sheriff’s station. Branch’s crazy uncle is quite the entertaining character – violent and funny and the former Sheriff. Vic puts a chauvinistic hunter in his place when he checks out her ass. Then she gets shot with a bear tranquilizer and in her drugged haze she over shares with Walt about her jerk of a husband.
Vic breaks the case open while in a hospital gown – because she kicks that much ass!
Episode 7
Vics husband flew home to have “particularly breath-taking sex”. We get to see a bit of it! She gets called out to pick Walt’s drunken ass up from the bar. Her husband is pissy and jealous. We get a quick glimpse of some cow sex too!
Episode 8
There is a crazy lady and a baby in a rabbit hutch. Vic chases bad guys and tumbles over the hood of a moving vehicle like a CHAMP! Lou Diamond Phillips goes all native and sniffs out a cult like a blood hound.
Episode 9
Vic shoots several rounds at a snake that startles her on a dark dirt road and screams like a girl. She also mocks Walt “How can you tell that Kreskin?” and he pours coffee on her. Branch looks hot when the wind blows his t-shirt up. Things blow up over Walt’s daughter dating his deputy and rival, Branch. Vic tells Branch that he is an idiot and that “you don’t shit where you eat,” when he defends himself she corrects “I mean, don’t shit where I eat!”
Episode 10
Vic and Ferg show up at Walt’s place in the morning and much to their surprise, he isn’t alone! They show up at a crime scene and it seems everyone knows something Vic doesn’t. She doesn’t much care for being out of the loop as the new kid in town.
Vic also breaks up a fight between Walt and Branch and yells at them “I should arrest both of you for public stupidity!” She gets to shoot a compound bow and it is HOT!
Walt’s new love interest drops by the station to give him a little gift. She and Vic get a little territorial and Vic lets out a cackling laugh.
Vic breaks up a high school lunch room fight in a most AWESOME way.
Walt’s daughter Caty explodes on him revealing that her mother was stabbed to death and did not die of cancer like she had been led to believe by her father. Seems like maybe Walt then killed his wife’s murderer – maybe.
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