A recap of my 2012 Dragon*Con encounters with Katee
by SilentSpanking
Brief overview:
Katee was scheduled to be on panels Friday, Saturday & Sunday. She missed Saturday when she wasn’t told she had a panel that afternoon. In most of her ‘off’ time, she was in the autograph hall doing signings or photo-ops. She was not at the Con on Monday at all. Her mom and nephew? had come with her, so pretty sure that’s the nephew on the balcony with her & MaSpank when The Colonial Fleet serenaded her during the parade. Here's the link to the facebook video: http://www.facebook....151136930584522
Katee was on the panel on Friday & she was of course awesome. Friday’s panel had Katee, Jamie Bamber, Richard Hatch as well as adding Micheal Trucco last minute to the schedule. But I found myself resenting the time the BSG guys took answering questions, because I admit that I really just wanted all Katee all the time :)
That afternoon, Arista, Flash & Pebbles prepped their The Last Sentinel costumes while DT helped me put together the gift bag I’d gotten for Katee. It had a bottle of Ketel One vodka, a jar of pimento-stuffed olives & her LilSpank flask.
Once Arista in her mighty fine Red Clone costume stepped away from the table, it was my turn. Now, I’d been holding it together pretty well up to that point. Butterflies, yes, but not ‘about to hurl’ nerves. Afterall, I’d been running through what I’d plan to say for days by that point. This was probably good, because when I stepped up to the table coherent thought became a real challenge.
I managed to say that she was about to be invaded by Spanks and that we’d brought her this, then sat the gift bag on the table. She IMMEDIATELY asked if we brought her alcohol!! I mumbled, ‘would we do that’ and before I had barely finished she pounced on the bag and pulled out the bottle of vodka. I was taken aback at how quickly she had the cap off and had taken a swig! Considering how long she’d already been sitting there doing autographs and how freaking hot it was in the room, I couldn’t blame her. She obviously needed that shot and we were glad to oblige :)
Thinking fast, DT asked her to take another drink so she could snap a pick for the Treehouse. She cheerfully did and the pre/post photos are below. I couldn’t decide if her mom was looking on in disapproval or envy, you guys decide. I think I then mumbled something about hoping the brand of vodka was ok, but if not to blame DT. She assured us it was good.
Then Katee pulled out the personalized flask and showed her mom, and also exclaimed over finding the jar of olives, and in such a happy voice that I wondered if she’d even gotten a chance to eat lunch that day. (I think she has mentioned surviving on vodka & olives before?)
So, after signing my flask as LilSpank, she reached over and gave me a big hug! I remember just thinking ‘OMG she’s hugging me!’...and was so afraid my watch was going to scratch her bare back. (Note to self, remove stupid watch in all future potential-hugging of stars moments!) I admit I had a really hard time making eye contact throughout and just kinda stumbled off then with my heart pounding and so very pleased that Katee really seemed to like the gifts.

Sunday morning:
I had my photo-op with Katee first thing Sunday morning, then went to get another photo signed. Kitten had made these nifty mandala necklaces for all the Spanks at the con and had given Katee one also the day before. While in line with Kitten, MaSpank had remarked on my necklace, remembering that, I asked Kitten if she had an extra one for me to give to Katee’s mom. So when I went back to get the second pic signed, I gave the extra to MaSpank.
Then while Katee signed, I racked my brain for something…anything...to say to extend the time. Before, I’d planned all sorts of ideas on subjects to bring up, but total mindwipe at that moment. So, being a true Oregonian, I fell back on the weather and commented on how coming from the Willamette Valley I was miserable in this heat. Like a pro, Katee caught my lead and said that she came from there, too, and had in fact just been back for a music festival. I confirmed it was the one in nearby Brownsville with Sugerland playing and she proceeded to tell how difficult it was to get into & out of the area of the concert and that Sugarland had arranged for her to caravan between their tour buses to escape the huge line of exiting vehicles afterwards. Loved just getting the chance to have this little exchange!
My Katee-encounters far topped my most realistic expectations (let’s face it, I’d accepted that the one fantasy where she decides to be my new BFF wasn’t quite likely to happen, so quite pleased with what did :)