Sentinel Shame By MaxiSpank |
Sentinel Shame By MaxiSpank |
Collarbone |
by FatApolloLoveSpank It has come to the attention of several members of TeamSpank (who would notice such things) that Katee Sackhoff (QueenSpank) has an undeniably perfect collarbone. TeamSpank recognizes this fixation as perhaps a bit “pervy”, but we generally like to think of it as mere appreciation for the human form. It is not overly pronounced or obnoxious and would appear to be an ideal place to lick (see glossary: *Lick* (Desired and/or Implied Action)) or nuzzle (see glossary: *Nuzzle Nuzzle* (Desired and/or Implied Action)). TeamSpank also recognizes Katee Sackhoff’s right to be a bit disturbed by this notion of being licked or nuzzled by random people on the street…but it is risk she had to have known she was taking when she appeared in episode 309 (Unfinished Business) which is also known as “Ode to Katee’s BODY” or “Hotness and Nearly-Naked Boxing Is the Fucking Shit”. ![]() A Blatantly Awesome Collarbone picture refers to a picture in which Katee’s entire collarbone is exposed and looks phenomenal. These pictures are usually captioned with a *Lick* or a *Nuzzle Nuzzle* no matter how many times they are viewed. The majority of this particular type of collarbone picture comes from episode 309 or any episode in which Katee wears the sports bra (see glossary: SportsBra). ![]() ![]() ![]() A Collarbone Combo picture is a picture in which Katee Sackhoff’s collarbone is exposed, along with any other of her Incredibly Desirable Body Parts. This could be her Incredible Inflatable Cleavage or it could also be her chiseled abs (see glossary: Pillow Abs), her jaw-line (see glossary: Intense Jaw-Line), her breastbone (or chestplate), her super-jacked arms, etc. In a Collarbone Combo picture the collarbone can be the main focus, or it could also play just a supporting role. People will generally be more inclined to look at it, even if this is the case, simply because it has a certain thrall which some have called “irresistible”. ![]() In addition to Blatantly Awesome Collarbone pictures, Blatantly Awesome Naked Collarbone pictures, and Collarbone Combo pictures there is also the type of picture we like to call Partial Collarbone pictures. This is where one side or half of the collarbone is hidden. This can refer to an article of clothing or simply the way Katee Sackhoff is standing at the time the picture was taken. ![]() ![]() ![]() Thus far, the front half of season 4 is not looking very promising for Katee’s Collarbone. Team Spank has been graced with such startling promotional pictures such as this one: ![]() Click here to read more fun stories about Katee Sackhoff's Collarbone during BSG Season 4. Malicious Collarbone Obstruction looks like it will be the rule rather than the exception this year, sadly. |
Sackhoff Playlist |
We recently learned, (from the horse's mouth), that Katee Sackhoff has read the following review of her playlist. She seemed a tad sensitive about it. I think DJ (the author) may have struck a raw nerve. I'd just like to point out to Katee if she ever comes here again, that I have also seen DJ's playlist, and it contains an Avril Lavigne song. DJ, you are in NO position to be judging Katee Sackhoff. What you should be doing is burying your head in the sand. It has recently been discovered that Katee Sackhoff not only listens to music, but she provided her loyal fans with an "iTunes Celebrity Playlist". Katee Sackhoff Likes "Music" - by DJspanker 1. "I'll Think of a Reason Later" (Lee Ann Womack): "This song was one of my favorites in high school. It got me through a breakup and made me laugh out loud when I heard it." 2. "Plush" (Stone Temple Pilots): "Anyone who can sing about burying a girlfriend they killed and having the smell become unbearable... Kicks ass!" 3. "Paper Planes" (M.I.A.): "I love this song and the story of the artist. It's a fantastic song to workout to." 4. "Stay" (Sugarland): "This is such a beautifully tragic yet empowering song. The video makes me cry all the time. Jennifer Nettles is one of the greatest songwriters around." 5. "Freebird" (Lynard Skynard): "I listened to this song every time I thought about moving to Los Angeles during high school." 6. "Angry All the Time" (Tim McGraw): "I love them and I love this song. Love and pain. Unfulfilled expectations of marriage. So sad!" 7. "When I Grow Up" (The Pussycat Dolls): "This would have totally been my theme song in high school. Love it!!!!!" 8. "Nothin' Better to Do" (LeAnn Rimes): "This song and her voice make me want to dance around my house every time I hear it." 9. "Friend of the Devil" (The Greatful Dead): "The Greatful Dead were my first concert when I was 14. (Trusting mother!) This was my favorite song." 10. "No One" (Alicia Keys): "Reminds me of how I feel when I think of my special someone." 11. "Best of You" (Foo Fighters): "Love them and this one is my favorite!" 12. "Jack & Diane" (John Mellencamp): " Still one of my all time favorites. Never gets old!" 13. "Just to See You Smile" (Tim McGraw): "A beautiful song about what you'd do for the one you love. Been on my playlist since I was 15." 14. "Head Over Feet" (Alanis Morissette): "I always wanted to know what this felt like. Wonderful." Ok, so judging by this list, it would appear that Katee Sackhoff enjoys country, with some random Rap/R&B sprinkled in, along with Alanis Morissette and John Mellencamp. That really does boggle the mind. I only say this because music is a really personal thing, and because I can't relate to this playlist one bit, I'm going to assume she's just.....confused. I'll listen to itunes snippets of each song, so my opinions aren't COMPLETELY unfounded: 1. "The Lee Ann Womack Song" - Ok, so KS claims this song made her "Laugh in High School" and that's great, because I just finished watching Freaks and Geeks, and man...people really need a good laugh in High School. I think my version of this song was Az Yet's version of "Hard For Me To Say I'm Sorry" and the only thing about it that made me laugh was the fact that I knew all the words like "man, how funny am I to know all the words to this really REALLY cheesy song" but I digress. So Katee Sackhoff liked this song in High School, and from the snipet I heard, it makes total sense. It's about some bitchy chick singing about another bitchy chick that she will find a reason to hate "later" good times Katee Sackhoff, but that still doesn't excuse you from liking this song. It's cute that you liked it, but still a little dorky. Just saying. 2. "The Stone Temple Pilot Song" - Ok, I had no clue what this song was about until I read KS's interpretation, and I must say...I love that. She truly is a sick sick fuck and a genuine spank to think it's "KICK ASS" to have someone write a song about killing their girlfriend and the smell becoming horrible. I was never a big fan of STP. I liked a song they did once after they weren't popular anymore because it wasn't the 90's anymore. I will say I have a new appreciation for both Katee Sackhoff AND Stone Temple Pilots, but that doesn't mean I'll buy the song or anything. 3. "The Paper Planes Song" - Oh Katee Sackhoff, you crazy woman you. When I first saw this list I thought "AWESOME...Katee Sackhoff and I have ONE THING IN COMMON, we both like the song 'paper planes'" then I read why she liked the song and it was because the chick that wrote the song had some kind of hard life in sri lanka. I say enjoy her music because she's some crazy rapper chick from India (Sri Lanka) who puts gun shots in her songs, and thus....they become awesome. 4. "The 'Stay' song" - Katee Sackhoff, why oh WHY do you keep putting country music in here? I guess I thought when it said "Sugarland" that it would be NOT the band "Sugar Ray" or something. I don't know. So needless to say I was....surprised. Well, you continue to be cheesy in a way that I can't relate to. What I mean by that is, I love LOVE cheesy music. (just ask fats) but the closest thing to "cheesy country" that I get to is more along the lines of "folk" and not "twang" so maybe replace this song with some Nicklecreek and maybe we can continue to be friends. (and by "Friends" I mean "Creepy one sided hero worship on my part, and cold indifference on yours") 5. "The Skynard Song" - I like the first part of this song. I think I even have that part of the song on my Itunes, but I had no idea that it was a nine minute song, because it cuts off once it gets fast. I'm all about southern rock......ok, that's a lie. I could give a flying fuck about Southern Rock, I can't even pretend that because I'm from the South that I should care just a tiny bit about Skynard or those guys that sing "Sweet Home Alabama" (is that...skynard? because if it is, then I'll be like "woah, that's the same band?") This rant is obviously going no where at the moment, so let's see what katee has to say about it. She said it's what she listened to when she thought about moving to LA in High School, and thus she continues to prove how cheesy she really is, which I like and dislike...because like I said earlier, our cheesy natures do not come close to lining up. 6. "The Angry Tim McGraw Song" - Well, I know Tim McGraw is a country singer, so I was prepared for this, but then I saw that this is one of TWO Tim McGraw songs, and it's not even remotely "angry" sounding. I though they may have collaborated with Korn or Slipnot for this one, but I guess not. So my initial reaction was "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHY SO MUCH COUNTRY MUSIC AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" (oh yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of country music, if that hasn't already become painfully obvious, I'm telling you now. I blame my parents. One time I was going to play some Allison Krauss for my OWN MOTHER and she got this horrible look on her face and said in a very disgusted way "why are you listening to country?" and I was like "I don't know MOTHER why do you listen to ENYA!" ) So Katee Sackhoff continues to amaze me with how cheesy her playlist is. Go Ms. Sackhoff. WHOHO! 7. "The Pussy Cat Dolls Song" - Ok, before I listen to this, I must say I've never listened to this "band" because they stayed on the CW network while Veronica Mars got cancelled. So she says this WOULD have been her theme song if it had been out while she was in High School. It's stuff like this that makes me go "man, I fucking LOVE her" just because she's obviously a complete asshole about music. I mean, once you get past the country music she goes straight into top 40 "hip hop" (if it can....even be called that.) But yeah, Katee Sackhoff, go you! 8. "The Leanne Rimes Song" - Ok, so I knew this was going to be country, simply b/c it was a chick named "Leanne" and that's a standard or something. Her reason for liking this song was that it "makes her want to dance around the house" I say, that's cool, but why more country? and why TWANGY country. I mean, folk country is one thing (because I actually like that) and dark twang/honkey tonk is cool, like the theme to "True Blood." But this is up-beat honkey tonk, and frankly, it's gross. 9. "The Greatful Dead Song" - Katee, I never took you to be a Dead Head. But I also never realized the Grateful Dead where a chill band up until a few years ago. I use to think they where the founding fathers of Thrash metal. I mean, you know how they say "never judge a book by it's cover" well I constantly judge bands by their titles, and just assume the worst. Also, the reason she likes this song is because her MOTHER took her to see them, which probably just means her mother was a Dead Head in High School (or something, I don't know timelines here) which is pretty awesome. She claims the "trusting mother" but it's likely that concert was more for her mom than her. Go Katee's Mom, that's awesome. 10. "the Alicia Keys Song" - So she says this song is for when she thinks about "that special someone" and I"m guessing this person is currently Boyfriend Scott. I mean, by default R&B is sexier than HONKY TONK country, so I'm happy that it's an Alicia Keys song and not....another "leanne mcgraw" song, but it's still borderline. I say that because like most of the songs on this list, I haven't really heard of it, and the part I did hear is just kinda....whatever. I say embrace that side of you and go hardcore. Next time I want to see Little Kim or Trina (as soon as they get out of jail and cut a new album) on this list. Trust me, you won't regret it. (no, you probably will, most of us do. I know I do, because there is nothing like buying a cd and being able to say "oh man, she's totally sitting on that dudes face isn't she?") 11. "The Foo Fighters Song" - Ok, so I've heard of the Foo Fighters, and I know for sure they aren't country or R&B, which is cool. This is just her favorite song from this band, and that's fine...I guess. I mean, it would be fine if I liked the song, but just like STP...I liked one of their song back in the 90's when they where popular. I couldn't tell you what it is though. I won't pretend to like the Foo Fighters to avoid the inevitable hate mail. Like any good band, they should have all buried themselves with Kurt. Really. Show some respect to your suicidal front man...the Foo Fighters shouldn't even EXIST! 12. "The John Mellancamp Song" - Katee Sackhoff, after one song of not being totally cheesy, you go back and have a song 10x's cheesier than anything...ever. She calls this one of her favorite songs and claims it never gets old. I'm afraid she's just....wrong. I remember when Mellancamp came out with that "wild nights" song, and I would just look at the video and try and figure out if it was a dude or a chick that was singing with him in that song. I'll pretty much never get past that and still to this day, it's the only thing I can think of when I hear ANY Mellancamp song. Which never happens because I don't make it a habit of watching Vh1. 13. "The Other Tim McGraw song, the one about smiling" - Katee. Sackhoff. WHY! More cheesy songs about love and romance. She said she's had this one on her playlist since she was 15, which really just means one thing. Katee Sackhoff has been this cheesy for a LOONG time. Which is cool, it means that she hasn't let Hollywood (Canada) change her all that much. I would say don't LET Hollywood (Canada) change you, because that would be bad, and your mother would be like "you need to LEAVE Hollywood (Canada) before you become a complete asshole" And I think according to Katee, her mother has told her this, but I'm betting her mother has also not seen this playlist. 14. "The Alanis Morissette Song" - The Alanis Morissette era in this country was a pretty rough time. I was in 7th grade when that CD was popular...and I'll just leave it at that. With that being said, that era is something we NO LONGER talk about. If you have her on your playlist, you label it as something else and you just DON'T talk about it. So why bring up those dreadful years? why? WHY! |