So then, I believe it's just about time for a New Year's SpankBlog. Seasons greetings, all ye Spankers. Forgive the lateness but a) I've been busy b) I've been uninspired c) there hasn't been much news to speak of and d) I'm a fickle slackarse (we spell 'arse' differently in my neck of the woods). Anyway, I think it's about time we had a chat about the new show (and maybe manicures) so here we go…
Sackhoff Do A Duchovny?
In case you haven't heard, Katee S is working on a new show for NBC. Spankers are delighted for Katee, regardless of whether the show turns out to be high art or a complete dog. This is because Katee is THE STAR and it's on a big network, which can only mean one thing - shitloads of $$$. Woohoo! She's gonna be able to afford a new Harley D to match every designer biker outfit that she buys on her shopping jaunts with Tricia.
This new show is still in the pilot stage and could get boned, as we like to call it in Australia, (thrown on the scrap heap). I guess we will hear in a couple of months if it's a goer. The pilot is being filmed right now. It's a Dick Wolf thing called "Lost & Found" but it's thankfully not like Law & Order. It's supposed to be more of a black comedy, which sounds cool to me because I thought that Katee was funny as all fuck in Bionic Woman. ("jogging partner").
It's being filmed around LA, and this led me to start thinking that good ol' Katee may have successfully pulled off a Duchovny. For those not in the know, "Doing a Duchovny" refers to the infamous X-Files upheaval of a few years back, where the star, David Duchovny, somehow managed to have the entire production pulled from Canada to LA, just so he could shag Tea Leoni on a more frequent basis (because, as we know, David D is a self-confessed sex addict and needs are needs).
But I digress. A few months back, (circa the BSG "pink strapless dress event"), Katee mentioned in an interview that she had been offered to star in her own show in New York, but that she knocked it back as she didn't want to live apart from her BF anymore. Now, I have no idea if she was talking about "Lost & Found", but as a proud, card-carrying TeamSpanker I prefer to believe that the producers of the new show decided that they couldn't possibly do the thing without Katee - she was the only one for them - and that they decided to move the entire bloody thing to LA so that Katee could walk around the corner to work every morning and not have to lift a finger.
On hearing of the new show, the TeamSpank hierarchy held a crisis meeting and decided that we needed to add an addendum to our constitution. Here it is...
TeamSpank strictly prohibits the inclusion of any clarinet in the theme music to Lost & Found, whether it be used in a short but nauseating solo or just as an ensemble instrument. Clarinets are OUT!
DJ and Fats worked tirelessly on this sucker. Pity they didn't bother to proof read it.You will find their comprehensive, probing "History of TeamSpank" in the same place. Compulsory reading for all who take their Spanking seriously.
Sackhoff Do A Duchovny?
In case you haven't heard, Katee S is working on a new show for NBC. Spankers are delighted for Katee, regardless of whether the show turns out to be high art or a complete dog. This is because Katee is THE STAR and it's on a big network, which can only mean one thing - shitloads of $$$. Woohoo! She's gonna be able to afford a new Harley D to match every designer biker outfit that she buys on her shopping jaunts with Tricia.
This new show is still in the pilot stage and could get boned, as we like to call it in Australia, (thrown on the scrap heap). I guess we will hear in a couple of months if it's a goer. The pilot is being filmed right now. It's a Dick Wolf thing called "Lost & Found" but it's thankfully not like Law & Order. It's supposed to be more of a black comedy, which sounds cool to me because I thought that Katee was funny as all fuck in Bionic Woman. ("jogging partner").
It's being filmed around LA, and this led me to start thinking that good ol' Katee may have successfully pulled off a Duchovny. For those not in the know, "Doing a Duchovny" refers to the infamous X-Files upheaval of a few years back, where the star, David Duchovny, somehow managed to have the entire production pulled from Canada to LA, just so he could shag Tea Leoni on a more frequent basis (because, as we know, David D is a self-confessed sex addict and needs are needs).
But I digress. A few months back, (circa the BSG "pink strapless dress event"), Katee mentioned in an interview that she had been offered to star in her own show in New York, but that she knocked it back as she didn't want to live apart from her BF anymore. Now, I have no idea if she was talking about "Lost & Found", but as a proud, card-carrying TeamSpanker I prefer to believe that the producers of the new show decided that they couldn't possibly do the thing without Katee - she was the only one for them - and that they decided to move the entire bloody thing to LA so that Katee could walk around the corner to work every morning and not have to lift a finger.
On hearing of the new show, the TeamSpank hierarchy held a crisis meeting and decided that we needed to add an addendum to our constitution. Here it is...
TeamSpank strictly prohibits the inclusion of any clarinet in the theme music to Lost & Found, whether it be used in a short but nauseating solo or just as an ensemble instrument. Clarinets are OUT!
Go here to read the entire Constitution and Amendments of TeamSpank.
DJ and Fats worked tirelessly on this sucker. Pity they didn't bother to proof read it.
So here is what could well be the first on set photo from "Lost & Found" to make it's way to the internets. It's from Venice Beach.
(The dude with KS, Brian Cox, is a sensational actor).
Moving on to BSG. Sometimes A Great Notion, which aired a few days back, was a bit of a wrist slasher, was it not? If BSG gets really low ratings in the next epi, its because half of the regular BSG viewership have just topped themselves. I'm not gonna put anyone to sleep with my last cylon theories or my existential analyses, ( because everyone probably fell asleep the minute they read "here's my new blog"). What am I am going to do is point out that Starbuck's nails looked amazing. Where is that girl (or whatever she is) getting her manicures? I want a referral. I would have thought, what with all of the death and doom and destruction and whatnot, that Starbuck might be a tad stressed out right about now, but the girl is obviously not a biter.

OK then, that's more than enough for me (probably for the next few months). Come over to the Treehouse and meet up with other Spankers if you haven't already. If not, have a nice life. Oh, and don't forget to read the next instalment in Swimmer's MEZ series below - the comprehensive and yet mildly disturbing Magical Expression Zone Part 2.