***attention Katee's mother (aka MaSpank) - this link is specifically for you so you can print it out, frame it and hang it near Katee's swimming trophies).
Well Spanks have been saying for a while now that Katee Sackhoff should have been THE Bionic Woman, but then again, we’re a little biased. We also told you about how critics overwhelmingly agreed, but perhaps you think we exaggerated the critical response a bit. Well here you go. Here we offer you cold hard proof. Every snippet listed below came from a legitimate reviewer such as TV Guide, Entertainment Weekly, well-known bloggers, and newspaper critics. We didn’t even get into the fan response, which was even more overwhelmingly Katee-praising (if you can believe that after reading what the critics have to say). So enjoy, the list starts from the earliest pilot viewings and goes on to post-mortem looks back after Bionic Woman was officially cancelled (with lots of fun in between). And don’t feel too bad for Michelle Ryan, after all, as Katee said, “She’s young.. she’ll be fine”.

Pilot Inspektor: NBC's "Bionic Woman"
June 11 2007
We begin with the sight of a blood-covered woman in a hospital gown (Battlestar Galactica's Katee Sackhoff)… A familiar-looking blonde (Sackhoff again!) slinks out of the semi, mission accomplished… alerting Jae, installation chief Jonas Bledsoe that Sarah Corvus (Sackhoff again!) is still alive… Corvus herself has been making alterations to her own body, cutting away her humanity with a scalpel and turning herself into a machine. Which is all the more interesting because she continually seems to display human emotion, like sorrow, lust, regret, and the need for revenge. She's Number Six with a cigarette and a well-placed quip. Sackhoff's scenes with Ryan crackle with energy and she is perfectly cast as Jamie's new nemesis, the first Bionic Woman, a former military volunteer with more than a few screws loose… While Ryan is a winsome lead, she can't help but be
upstaged by the visceral Sackhoff, who sinks her teeth into a role that allows her to act dangerous, crazy, and sexy all at the same time.
Sam I Am Wild About! Plus: Jaime Sommers and Sarah Connor
Jun 25, 2007
Bionic Woman: Save for Miguel Ferrer (as a sort of meaner Oscar Goldman) and Katee Sackhoff (an earlier-edition BW gone horribly awry), the supporting cast sort of blended into the background for me.
"Bionic Woman": Gentlemen, we must rebuild her.
Jul 17, 2007
Ms. Ryan, you're no Lindsay Wagner. And you're certainly no Katee Sackhoff.
Death March with Cocktails: Uh, are you excited about the fall?
Jul 20, 2007
I'll say this - If Katee Sackhoff was in it more often, it would be a lot better. She kicks ass over the other Bionic.
The Chicago Sun Times
Doug Elfman
August 26, 2007
This Year Break-Out Stars: They may not get top billing, but we predict these 10 actors will be this season’s break-out stars.
This year's breakout performers stand out for creating memorable fake people, even though their shows are more mediocre than 2006's debutants …
#1. Katee Sackhoff: Sackhoff is so compelling as the bionic villain in NBC's "Bionic Woman," she steals the show. Her performance is one of those "Jack Nicholson as the Joker" moments, where you think, "Oh, this is really about the side character." This won't surprise "Battlestar Galactica" viewers, who know Sackhoff as Capt. Kara "Starbuck" Thrace. Here, she is again: tough, smart and smolderingly intense.
It's Alive!: Using the most promising parts of new shows, we offer a prototype for the perfect series.
Aug. 26, 2007
Maureen Ryan
No, the draw here is the baddie Corvus, another bionically enhanced woman, who's played by "Battlestar Galactica" veteran Katee Sackhoff.
Building the perfect TV show
by Maureen Ryan, Chicago Tribune
7 September 2007
Several fall shows have great ideas behind them. What if we put the best of several promising fall shows together?..
The charisma (and fighting skills) of Bionic Woman‘s villain
“You’re going to have to do a little better than that,” Sarah Corvus says to a nearly vanquished Jaime Sommers in the pilot for Bionic Woman, and Corvus isn’t kidding. This NBC remake may be one of fall’s most eagerly awaited programs, but so far the main reason to tune in is not Sommers, who is played by the low-key Brit Michelle Ryan. No, the draw here is the baddie Corvus, another bionically enhanced woman, who’s played by Battlestar Galactica veteran Katee Sackhoff. Sackhoff all but walks off with the pilot and gives a few lessons in “How to Play a Villain”—with style, wit and relish. And, of course, a few well-timed kicks to her opponent’s head.

Freaks and Geeks: New on Wednesdays
Tampa Tribune (Tampa, FL)
If you think Ryan's penetrating green eyes make her the coolest freak on TV, and wait until you see the dueling bionic women (Katee Sackhoff, of "Battlestar Galactica," is the evil one).
First Impressions A Look At What's Promising, What's Not, And A Few Shows That Could Go Either Way.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Seattle, WA) September 11, 2007
Mcfarland, Melanie
Also the new Jaime Sommers, the lithe, cute-as-a-button Michelle Ryan can't stand toe-to-toe with Katee Sackhoff, who plays the first bionic woman.
Remote fantasies: Science fiction provides premise for several fall shows, but others stick with tried-and-true ideas, formulas.
Source: Gazette (Colorado Springs, CO)
"Battlestar's" Katee Sackhoff steals every scene she's in as Jaime's nemesis.
Humorless 'Bionic Woman' assembles the wrong parts.
Chicago Tribune 26-SEP-07
By Maureen Ryan
There are moments when "Bionic Woman," the disappointingly average remake of the Lindsay Wagner vehicle from the '70s, comes to life. They're when Katee Sackhoff (who plays Kara "Starbuck" Thrace on "Battlestar Galactica") is on the screen. The catch:
Sackhoff isn't the show's star character.
Building 'Bionic Woman'
By Stephen Lynch
September 16, 2007
"Battlestar Galactica" hottie Katee Sackhoff, meanwhile, signed on to play an evil bionic woman, and was scheduled to die in the opening episode. But after stealing the show with her psychotic Sapphic superpowers, Sackhoff signed on as a recurring character.
Get ready for fall crop of TV shows
By Maureen Ryan, Chicago Tribune
Sunday, September 16, 2007
..things going for it: Name recognition and Katee Sackhoff as Sarah Corvus, the nemesis of newly created "Bionic Woman" Jamie Sommers (Michelle Ryan). The rest of the show (so far) is an exercise in mediocrity..
The Chicago Sun Times
'Bionic woman'
Doug Elfman
September 16, 2007
It begins with an homage to "La Femme Nikita" but poorly so. Then Michelle Ryan, as the good bionic woman, gets upstaged by the great screen presence of Katee Sackhoff, portraying an apparently evil bionic woman. Even Ryan humbly gives props to Sackhoff for making her rise to the challenge of action scenes…The show should be named "Bionic Women,"… Michelle Ryan is the new bionic woman, though her nemesis upstages her.
Counting the hours: Season's best scripted 60-minute offerings filled with imagination, fantasy
By Joanne Weintraub
Journal Sentinel TV critic
Posted: Sept. 17, 2007
Bionic Woman: … "Battlestar Galactica's" Katee Sackhoff is a big plus as a rival fembot.
True TV: Chuck You, Geeks, sugar, Satan and cyborgs.
By Bill Frost 09/20/2007
Michelle Ryan’s performance in the title role is so stiff you may wonder if she’s not entirely circuitry and silicone. The best news: Matters not, because The Bionic Woman is dark, taut, action-packed and riveting every second that Battlestar Galactica’s Katee Sackhoff appears onscreen as the first bionic woman who’s gone rogue and quite insane. She’s out to kill her 2.0, and [we are all] rooting for her—I wanna see that series.

TV reviews: We will rebuild her!
Sep 23, 2007
..best of all, Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck from "Battlestar Galactica") plays the eeeeevil former bionic woman, Sarah Corvus.
Tuned In: The new season
Sunday, September 23, 2007
By Rob Owen, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
…after the pair are in a car crash perpetrated by the first, evil (and more interesting) bionic woman (Katee Sackhoff)…
Reviews: 'Journeyman,' 'Chuck' and 'Bionic Woman'
Tim Goodman
Monday, September 24, 2007
The trouble lies in the casting and the concept. Ryan seems too inert, not nearly aggressive enough for the role. This becomes clear when she faces off with "Battlestar Galactica" star Katee Sackhoff, who plays the first rebuilt Bionic Woman - gone bad. Not only is Sackhoff infinitely more likable as an antiheroine, she pops off the screen while Ryan doesn't… They got the wrong bionic woman. Either that or they need to let the bad bionic woman get a whole lot more screen time. When the two do battle in the pilot, you can't help but think, "Why am I rooting for the bad girl?"
Source: CHARLIE MCCOLLUM , Mercury News
But the high-profile ''Bionic Woman'' (9 pm) -- a dark take on the 1970s series -- had some real problems in the early going including a shaky pilot in which a secondary character (played by Katee Sackhoff of ''Battlestar Galactica'') pretty much stole the show from Jamie Sommers (Michelle Ryan).
TV debuts du jour: Wednesday's the night for actresses to sparkle
By Joanne Weintraub
Journal Sentinel TV critic
Sept. 25, 2007
Signs of hot-blooded life, and a glint of welcome comic relief, come in the form of Sarah (Katee Sackhoff), a renegade bionic woman who does battle with Jaime. With her slicked-back hair and kissy red lips, Sarah seems to come from a different bionics lab - one with a livelier notion of robo-humanity.
Can 'Grey's Anatomy' recover?
by Chuck Barney, Contra Costa Times
26 September 2007
What you can expect is a bold performance by Katee Sackhoff ("Battlestar Galactica"), who plays a bionic babe gone bad. In the opener, she locks up in a hellacious rooftop throw-down with Ryan that will have sci-fi geeks gasping in delight.
Bionic Woman' remake has serious design flaws
Oh, and there's the hour's one bright spot — Katee Sackhoff, another Battlestar transfer, as a bionic woman gone bad. Alas, while it's fine to have a villain who is more colorful than your hero, it's not so fine to have a supporting actor who makes your star vanish whenever they're on screen together. It makes you think that what this remake of a spinoff really needs is a spinoff of its own.
TV Review: 'Bionic Woman' dark, but intriguing
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
By Rob Owen, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
But a bigger hurdle may simply be that Sackhoff's evil character, by virtue of being more mysterious and due to her superior performance, is more intriguing than Jaime Sommers.
The Weekly Late Edition
September 28, 2007
By the way, can I just once again say how absolutely horrible “Bionic Woman” is? I watched the pilot a while ago, and having now seen the reworked version, let me tell you – the editing didn’t help it. Honestly, I could just give less of a shit about each and every character on it, with the sole exception being Katee Sackhoff, who actually does a great job in it – I just think it would have been so much better if she was the titular character, and they get rid of all the other junk.

By Gillian Flynn
TV Review: Bionic Woman (2007)
This absence is glaring anytime she's acting opposite slick, pissy Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar), who shows up as the very first bionic woman, gone bad, determined to get badder. ''I'm cutting away all the parts of me that are weak,'' she tells Jaime, creepily, before trying to kill her. The problem is, if you're a fan of Sackhoff's throaty, chin-jutty delivery, she absolutely overpowers the callow Ryan, and if you're not a fan of Sackhoff...she still overpowers Ryan.
Starbuck, Revisited: Katee Sackhoff Kicks Ass
Thu, Sep 27, 2007
Last night, Katee Sackhoff rocked our world… One thing's for sure, though: As Sarah Corvis on NBC's reimagined Bionic Woman, Sackhoff is better, stronger and faster than ever before. Playing the first woman given artificial, superenhanced limbs, ears and eyes (she installed the left one herself), she's a little pissed that the government agency responsible for using her as a guinea pig threw her out with the rest of its obsolete Microsoft Office software… we can believe all that bad attitude. Not only is she angry, she also lets a little sadness peek through—some humanness. Corvis has been used and tossed aside, and despite her drive to settle the score with the people who made her what she is, there are moments when she isn't afraid to admit that all she wants is a little tenderness. She's the perfect antidote to Michelle Ryan's doe-eyed titular character
On TV Reality, Non-Reality and Everything In-Between
Lisa de Moraes Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 28, 2007
And I'd like "Bionic Woman" better if it was just about Evil Bionic Sarah. Evil Bionic Woman, aka Older Model Bionic Woman, absolutely stole the show in the pilot episode. I'm thinking they miscast the lead role…..I’m okay with "Bionic Woman" (mostly because of Katee Sackhoff, though, so...)
The Bionic Woman's modern facelift
September 30, 2007
While Thursday’s debut meanders through the human emotions attached to Sommer’s transformation, it also (thankfully) introduces her new nemesis, the ass-kicking fembot Sarah Corvis (Battlestar Gallactica’s Katee Sackhoff). While their future is destined to be entwined, it remains unsure as to whether the two enhanced humans will ultimately pair off to fight the forces of evil.
The Streets of San Fauxcisco
October 03 2007
After a prologue that introduces Katee Sackhoff as the first (and considerably more kickass) bionic woman...…
Best In Show: A Wrap-Up Of Some Of Fall's Hottest Primetime Shows And Their Season Pilots
Daily Campus Staff 10/5/07
The show's biggest weakness is in its cast who, with the exception of Katee Sackhoff as Sarah Corvis, (the first experimental Bionic Woman,) lacks any emotional touches.
I Like to Watch
Oct. 7, 2007
NBC's "Bionic Woman" is hard to ignore, thanks to Katee Sackhoff, but I hope they have something interesting planned, beyond a series of spectacular catfights.
Better, Stronger, More Attractive: Review of: Bionic Woman, and Life
By Brendan Bernhard
October 9, 2007
…the rogue bionic woman (Katee Sackhoff) who's supposed to be dead but isn't, and is arguably a lot sexier than the bionic woman who gets top billing. (No wonder they're always fighting.)
Critic's corner
Robert Bianco, USA TODAY, Oct 10, 2007
Short of rebuilding the show around Katee Sackhoff and sacking everyone else, Bionic Woman may be unsalvageable.

Published on October 10, 2007, Fayetteville Observer, The (NC)
TV Diva By Jessica Banov
The best scenes are with Jaime and her rival, Sarah Corvus (Katee Sackhoff), and right now, there are too few of those.
Fall TV early market outlook: bulls, bears, bores
October 12, 2007
And while British actress Michelle Ryan looks the part, she has yet to show the kind of charisma that would make her the iconic figure she should be. Also, it doesn't help that every time her bionic nemesis, Katee Sackhoff, appears, she blows Ryan off the screen, both figuratively and sometimes literally. They fight a lot.
"Daisies" pushes on; the lights go out in Laughlin. It's TV Show Death Watch!
Oct 23 2007
Unless they fire everybody and give the show to Katee Sackhoff's character, i'm not coming back…
New shows struggle to find footing
Chicago Tribune
Katee Sackhoff is stealing the show as the vampy, bionically enhanced Sarah Corvus
I Like to Watch
By Heather Havrilesky
Oct. 28, 2007
Even the
brilliant Katee Sackhoff, who plays the first bionic woman, Sarah Corvus, sounds a little foolish growling out her empty lines.
What’s Worth Watching
Oct 29, 2007
Bionic Woman (sideways) Michelle Ryan is no Lindsay Wagner, but her nemesis Katee Sackhoff rocks.
November 24 2007
Jonathan Bernstein aerial view of America
If I told you that the new BW was about a woman struggling to hold on to her humanity against the machine inside her and searching to find the drug that would save her from the virus that gives her less than a year to live, you, if you were so geekily inclined, would splooge in your pants and proclaim the new Bionic Woman a bleakly unmissable triumph. And so it would have been, had I not given you the VILLAIN'S STORYLINE. Amazingly, the bad Bionic Woman, played by the super-charismatic Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica), comes with a fully-fleshed out story and a reason for us to sympathize with her plight. Meanwhile, the actual, eponymous Bionic W is a brooding blank. Michelle Ryan is going to have some heart-rending Hollywood horror stories when she returns home. It wasn't her fault she was rendered invisible every time she had to play opposite Katee Sackhoff.
Bionic Woman: Hat Katee Sackhoff die Serie verlassen?
von Mariano Glas am Dienstag, 27.November 2007 07:30 Uhr
Katee Sackhoff gilt als Garant für schauspielerisch gute Leistung, wenn es um Einsatz bei Fernsehserien geht. Kritiker bescheinigen ihr Talent und Fans lieben sie einfach nur für die Arbeit, die sie in „Battlestar Galactica“ leistet. In der Neuauflage der TV-Serie „Bionic Woman“ spielt sie regelmäßig ihre Kollegin und Hauptdarstellerin an die Wand und schon lange galt sie unter Fans als einziger Grund die Serie überhaupt noch einzuschalten. Doch das scheint nun der Vergangenheit anzugehören.
(roughly translated: Katee Sackhoff rocks, is uber talented, smoking hot, and is the only good thing about Bionic Woman)

On TV: Reality, Non-Reality and Everything In-Between
Lisa de Moraes Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 30, 2007
[Re: the possibility of Katee Sackhoff leaving Bionic Woman] If they are dropping the only character that had any personality, the show definitely is finished.
TV Q&A with Rob Owen
Friday, December 07, 2007
By Rob Owen, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
1) Do you know if there will be any more "Bionic Woman" episodes with Katee Sackhoff? The hope of seeing her some more is the primary reason that I'm still watching.
Channeling the best, worst, nuttiest of television...
Dec 23, 2007
The remake no one deserved: NBC’s ‘‘ Bionic Woman’’ committed the fatal flaw that killed the ‘‘Batman’’ film franchise in ’ 90s. It made its villain, Katee Sackhoff’s sexy cybernetic warrior, more interesting than star Michelle Ryan.
TV Review: Bionic Woman
February 04, 2008
By Joanna Hunkin
As for the acting, British-born Ryan is believable as a native Yank, though her overall insipidness makes her less believable as an ass-kicking protagonist. This weakness is only accentuated when she appears opposite the dynamic Katee Sackhoff, who plays Sommers' nemesis, "the first Bionic Woman", Sarah Corvus.
Advice to Casting Directors: Two Undervalued Blondes
May 16 2008
Katee Sackhoff is a terrific actress. I won't lie and claim that she's undervalued on her breakout show (Battlestar Galactica)... they've leaned on her heavily and she's crafted an indomitable fan-favorite character who has evolved considerably from her first bold sketches four years back. Then, and seemingly without dropping a bead of sweat, Katee gave Bionic Woman the only fire it had as its rogue bionic. A bonfire to be more accurate. It was night and day on that show between her scenes and every one else's. Both of those shows have expired or are about to. She's a bonafide super star, if Hollywood would merely point bright lights her way to reflect. Give her a lead role and watch the magic happen. Wil Yun Lee & Katee on Bionic Woman: the only interesting relationship/subplot.

Canceled shows whose lives might have been saved
Tim Goodman
Monday, May 19, 2008
Bionic Woman" (NBC): This was supposed to be the can't-fail series of the fall. It was certainly the most hyped. Reimagined by David Eick (who has done a tremendous job with similarly reimagined "Battlestar Galactica") and Jason Smilovic (who wrote "Lucky Number Slevin" and was an executive producer on the acclaimed but short-lived series "Karen Sisco" and "Kidnapped"), how could it not work? Easy: casting. British actress Michelle Ryan never breathed any life into this role, and her bad fit was magnified when Katee Sackhoff ("Battlestar Galactica") was hired to play the first bionic woman gone bad. Infinitely more interesting, Sackhoff stole every scene she was in. This whole series imploded because they picked the wrong bionic woman.
2007-2008 Season Post-Mortem Part 1: Bionic Woman
Thursday, 22 May 2008
The pilot set up a few key plot threads and introduced Sarah Corvus, the psychotic “original bionic woman” played by a deliciously unbalanced Katee Sackhoff. All things being equal, newcomer Michelle Ryan, the one playing the starring role of Jamie Sommers, couldn’t come close to the same intensity. Ryan’s struggle to find her character was apparent, and Corvus’ character arc quickly become far more interesting.
Stargazing | Why some TV shows have said goodbye forever
Posted on Mon, May. 26, 2008 10:15 PM
Bionic Woman’ (NBC) It was certainly the most hyped fall series, but British actress Michelle Ryan never breathed any life into this role, and her bad fit was magnified when Katee Sackhoff was hired to play the first bionic woman gone bad. Infinitely more interesting, Sackhoff stole every scene she was in.
A look back at the shows most of us never watched
By Lisa de Moraes
Washington Post
Article Launched: 05/29/2008 01:36:23 AM PDT
"Bionic Woman" has to be NBC's biggest disappointment. And some day we'll learn why Katee Sackhoff, of "Battlestar Galactica" fame, was cast as Bad Old Bionic Woman instead of the Hot New Bionic Woman star of this series, a role that went instead to British "newcomer" Michelle Ryan, who got totally upstaged by Sackhoff.

Is This The End Of New Sci-Fi?
By Alan Stanley Blair
Source: SyFy Portal
Each of these cancelled shows launched with an inspiring write-up, particularly “Bionic Woman” which, after only a handful of episodes, failed to deliver anything of real substance. Katee Sackhoff’s evil Bionic Woman character brought a twisted level of symmetry to the series with some possible foreshadowing, not to mention the genuine personal natures of the stories that kept the show moving. But all of that vanished the second she took a sabbatical and the series was of course bumped from the NBC schedule and mothballed following the three-month writers strike that blotted out the vast majority of scripted television.
The What the *#@#%! Were They Thinking? Award nominees
May 30th 2008 by Joel Keller
..fans were regretting the producers didn't cast Katee Sackhoff, who played bionic-woman-gone-mad Sarah Corvus, in Ryan's role. When people are trying to replace you with someone from your own show, that's a pretty good indication that you've been miscast.
Katee Sackhoff goes in for a "Nip/Tuck"
By Dorothy Snarker
Her guest turn as the charismatic crazy/crazy charismatic Sarah Corvus was the best thing about Bionic Woman.